You’ve finalized your new beverage recipe, found fantastic distributors, and are ready to launch your product. But hold on a second, are you forgetting something? Beverage packaging has changed over time, yet its impact has remained constant.

9 Food Packaging Trends You Need To Be Aware Of in 2020 | Bizongo Hive

Beverage packaging, according to research, is a crucial make-or-break aspect in terms of commercial success. It can determine whether a product will be a best-seller or will be forgotten in no time.

Packaging is an important aspect of the beverage industry. How can you build beverage packaging that will captivate your customers’ interest and educate them about your product?

So, it’s good that you have us, a company with over 50 years of experience in the packaging and printing industry. Keep on reading we are here to help.


The product name should be the most prominent thing on the front panel as a standard practice so that the consumer can immediately understand what the product is. The brand logo should be your second priority. There are exceptions to this rule but continue with caution if you choose this path. 

33 Beverage Packaging Design Samples to Guide Your Branding - Unlimited  Graphic Design Service

If the product has a quirky name that also serves as the brand logo, it makes sense to promote the quirky name while also explaining what the product is in layman terms, not just for labeling compliance but also for consumer understanding.


You must first know your target market in order to build the most effective beverage packaging possible. It’s vital to figure out who you’re trying to appeal to and then design packaging that reflects their preferences. It’s critical to understand your target audience’s preferences.

For example, in 2021 health and wellness trends have been driving the beverage industry; people are curious about all of the health benefits that can be obtained from your beverage. If your beverage has any health benefits, such as zero calories or protein-rich beverages, this is a big selling factor that should be obvious from the label.


This packaging craze has caught up with 2021 and shows no signs of slowing down. Sustainable packaging is both environmentally friendly and popular with consumers.

Between 2016 and 2017, 24% of cosmetic items made the switch to organic packaging. Customers prefer this type of packaging, according to an international poll. About half of the respondents said they would rather pay more for organic packaging.

Beverage Brands adapt to sustainable packaging trends | 2019-09-19 |  Beverage Industry

In addition, the market for biodegradable plastic packaging is rapidly expanding. This is a superior material to traditional plastic. Plastic takes 1000 years to disintegrate and poses major environmental dangers.

Biodegradable plastic packaging now has a market worth of $4.7 billion. Experts forecast that by 2025, this figure will have risen to $12.1 billion. 

Your brand’s sustainability packaging speaks a lot about it. Customers will put money into heaves that aim to help the environment.


Packaging is ultimately responsible for keeping its customers safe. Important information regarding the beverage and its safety should be included on the packaging. The expiration date, best before date, and a list of components and essential micronutrients must all be clearly be displayed on the packaging of beverages.

Beverage packaging design: 7 steps guide to creating a greatting

No harmful chemical taste or smell should transfer from packaging materials to your beverage, whether produced from virgin or recycled material. Furthermore, if the product contains dangerous ingredients, this must be clearly stated on the box. All of this information contributes to the consumer’s safety.


People enjoy having choices. Fortunately, you can use your packaging to highlight all of your products.

It’s crucial to give each beverage a distinct, yet consistent aesthetic, whether you have a variety of flavors or styles. For instance, you might use the same foundation design but give each flavor its own color – bright green for a lime-flavored seltzer is just too obvious. 

These variants will not only offer each product its own design, but they will also make the ever-popular combination packs stand out.


This is where you need us, it’s critical to locate partners who can help you strike a balance between quality, durability, and quick turnarounds. 

Companies come to Kwality Offset for their product labels because of our level of competence and client service.

Our packaging professionals have over 50 years of experience in the business and understand what it takes to package a product, whether you’re growing your current line or switching to a line of beverage.